The three pages of this site are dedicated to a few short hours we spent at a local "general aviation" airport. The event was called Missions at the Airport (MATA), which was a fundraiser for and familiarization with Wycliffe. This first page is of our flight in the Helio Courier.
Joscelynne, unsure of her decision in favor of leaving the ground, and her Daddy
My view of the instruments from the front seat
My "view" out the front window, prior to takeoff
The right wing looks inteact
Looking down at the hangars just after leaving the earth
Just a view of the countryside
Looking out the pilot's side
Cedar Crest High School
That's my house, just above that swimming pool
Right over my house, tiny line in back is Joscelynne's sliding board
Speck just above & to right of house is Robert's car
House is now just below swimming pool near top of photo
Building just right of center with grass all around is Joscelynne's school
1st Baptist Church, one of six of Joscelynne's VBS venues this summer
Another look out the front on the return trip
Checking on Joscelynne in the back
Clearer shot of the earlier view through the pilot's side
Some blurry cows, thanks to a crosswind
Looking at our plane, safely on the ground
If you prefer to remain on the ground, visit the rest of our day.